Everything has been moved to our new forum. You can find your old posts there except for “Meeting Together” so repost those if you want to contact others please.

New forum:


12 Comments on Forum

  1. singledadDwight says:

    Is there a bible study here? I would like that.


    • JJ says:


      There’s a lot of great Bible discussions going on in the forums, and some great folks that are ready and willing to answer questions and share their insights.


  2. Mav Erick says:

    I’m having difficulty logging in to the forum. Don’t know what’s wrong. Can somebody help me?


  3. Claudia says:

    I have been studying with J.W. for 20 yrs, but could never quite accept everything and thought my resistance to all aspects of it was due to some kind of deep wickedness in my heart. There is so much of the teachings that, through my own bible study I can agree with, BUT there are parts associated with the organisation that always caused me to shrink back.

    Thanks for this forum where we can talk openly and honestly. I have been doing a lot of research on the history and hearing disfellowshiped ones experiences. May the love and blessing of our Heavenly Father be with you in Jesus Christ name.


  4. Claudia Barber says:

    I have just read Ray Franz letter about Memorial celebrations and even though I have a running nose and flu I feel so elated and excited about his thoughts on this important matter. I had questioned the idea of this JW practice for years now, the scriptures do say in 1 Corinthians 11: 2. “…holding fast the traditions just as I handed them on to you” Ray points to scripture that show nd partaking of the emblem more than once a year, not necessarily in a formal setting at the Kingdom Hall but at home with family and friends, AND that all who have faith should partake, not just those few select.

    It so funny, in the past few days before discovering this forum, I watch a documentary that suggested that Satanic forces encouraged the introduction of the “new light” that said only the few should partake, and that when we are passing on the emblems without partaking of it, we are saying “No” to Christ. I do not think that those early brother would have planned to encourage us to say “No” to Christ, but I do think that Satan is sly enough to fool them into thinking that going beyond what was written out of what THEY considered faithful service to Jehovah is likely. It is a pity that they did not remember that scripture 1 Cor.4: 1 to 6.


    • JJ says:

      So glad you mentioned this point Claudia- welcome to the site!

      Sharing communion (“partaking of the emblems” in WT lingo) is a very important part of being a Christian and to shut the door to this most sacred of rituals for Christ followers is reprehensible. WT has succeeded in turning this into a branding opportunity to teach their peculiar doctrine. The rank and file JWs have no idea how far off their “memorial” is from what Paul and the other first century Christians shared in.


  5. Stephanie Proulx says:

    I was raised in “The truth”. Once on my own I left and then returned again only to find I was unfulfilled spiritually. My entire family left the organization as well. Since then I have found the joy in my own spirituality, rather than the blindness of faith associated with being in an organized religion. I would go as far as to say I believe I was in a cult. I have finally found my Truth.


  6. julie says:

    pls i really need help.i have being reprove and df twice.i want to get in and fade away.is just 8month after being df.if i write a reinstatement letter to the elders is there any chance of getting reinstated


  7. frankie fernandez says:

    dear julie I’ve been reproved and i’ve been disfellowshipped twice. inspite of the fact that i was truly repentant. the worst part was that one of the elders on my judicial committy was disfollowedshipped only a few months after I was,he was disfollowedshipped for adultry while he was on my judicial committy that was hypocracy at it’s utmost highist. I was baptized in the 70s. i’ve been disfellowshipped for 10 years. my advice depending on your circumstances is to write the letter of reinstatement. once you are reinstated disapear,move away as far as possible. never ever tell any one you are a jw. over the years I knew of a few friends who did that. I did it myself and at this point in my life I am truly at peace with myself and most importantly at peace with god. more importantly than my advice is for you to get on your knees and ask God for wisdom. no matter what happens you are a child of God and he truly loves you and so do we who are no longer slaves of the wt, but! better yet the servants of YAHWEH. always have high selfesteem ‘ high self worth and high self respect. the Lord has given you the power. you got what it takes. May he bless you with courage, strength, faith and fortitude ,amen.


  8. James Broughton says:

    This is a brilliant site. JWs no longer seem to want people to share Jesus with them. When I tried in the market square in Dover, England, I was ordered away from their literature stand for suggesting you could pray to Jesus, despite what the Watchtower teaches. PS I am a retired Anglican vicar who perhaps knows his Bible better than them.


  9. Don Cameron says:

    ”You’ll never get sick. You will never grow old. And you will never die.”

    Although the above words come from the movie “Cocoon,” they could have come
    from the Watchtower Society because this is the same thing they have been proclaiming for decades as part of “the Creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure new world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things.”

    This very appealing prospect attracts many people to begin to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses. It then sustains them as they eagerly wait for the fulfillment of this promise.

    But during the course of their study they get drawn into an illusionary concept involving the Watchtower organization that gradually takes over their decision-making process and even their conscience without them realizing it. It happens because of a mistake that everyone makes before they decide to become a Jehovah’s Witness.

    “Captives of a Concept” identifies both the concept and the mistake that causes people to become captives of it. The book also offers a few suggestions about how to help Jehovah’s Witnesses correct their mistake and teach themselves the truth about their religion.

    The book is designed to help the reader understand the illusionary concept mentioned by former Governing Body member Raymond Franz in his “Crisis of Conscience,” which holds Jehovah’s Witnesses captive by dominating and controlling how they think and act without them realizing it..

    It explains how the leadership has been able to keep themselves (apparently) and millions of Jehovah’s Witnesses convinced that “the Watchtower Society is God’s organization no matter what the Bible says or what went on in the organization’s history.

    Additional information: CaptivesOfaConcept.com


  10. lost girl says:

    I am looking for my sister her name is aimee louise lund. She was disfellowshipped almost 20 years ago and I was obedient and shut her out of my life. But now I see how brainwashed I was. I need to find her!! I’m hoping she comes to this site. Please email me if you know her, and how I can reach her. dare_2_dream29@hotmail.com
    Thank you.

    I feel so lost, and torn. What do I do now? My husband is going to continue to take the kids, and he’s not giving me a hard time, but it’s killing me. I believed all my life in a fairy tale. So now what? Life seems pretty pointless to me…


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