Eric on Sunday April 6th, 2014

It’s been a few months since I’ve written a new post here. I started the blog in September of 2010 while I was in the midst of a spiritual crisis and had only recently learned The Truth About The Truth (TTATT).[foot]I cannot remember exactly when I first heard the phrase “The Truth About The Truth” however it was early on in my research. After doing some searching the phase can be found as early as 2007 on the internet. Myself and many other JWstrugglers out there have certainly helped popularize the expression and we are glad to have been able to help get out to the many millions of former Jehovah’s Witnesses what TTATT means in these last four years!

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Un amigo mio recientemente escribo estas noticias receintes de su vida y como se encuentra ahora ya que han pasado diez anos desde que se alejo de los Testigos. Su ex esposa quien esta mentalmente inestable hizo todo intent de que lo expulsaran y mando a los ancinos a perseguirlo pero no tuvieron exito. Yo […]

Continue reading about Diez Anos Despues de haber dejado la religion de Los Testigos De Jehova

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