Pornography in whatever form (internet, print, DVD, etc.) it is to be found is dangerous and wrong. Christians know this instinctively. But how wrong is it? How is it defined? And how often should we talk about it?

I ask these questions because it seems like 98 out of 100 study articles mention it lately. The article could be about the “Ransom” and it comes up. An article about family life? Yep. Encouraging our young people? That one too. Maybe I’m the only one that has thought that it was kind of weird, IDK. How often do we need to mention it is my question?

Remember the expression from Hamlet where his mother says, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”? It basically means that if someone wasn’t guilty they wouldn’t be so defensive about a particular subject. Wikipedia says this about it:

The quote “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” comes from Shakespeare‘s Hamlet, Act III, scene II. The phrase has come to mean that one can “insist so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what one is saying.”

So how puritanical should we be about it? Curiosity being what it is, and considering how many times it is almost constantly mentioned in the Society’s publications as of late, does at some point the law of diminishing returns kick in? How many small children are going to ask their parents after the Watchtower study (or during it!) “Mommy, whats porn-ogg-rah-fee?” Of course every parent needs to talk about these matters with their children- when the time is right. But likely most parents would like to pick the time and place themselves.

Also, I had a brother tell me one time that looking at the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition was looking at pornography. I guess we all have different definitions of certain words, but that just doesn’t seem to meet most people’s. Here’s one dictionary definition that made sense to me:

“obscene writings, drawings, photographs, or the like, esp. those having little or no artistic merit.”

Well that rules out Sports Illustrated at least- that’s a relief…
Rating 4.67 out of 5

27 Comments on “Pornography” mentioned in the WT

  1. Dennis says:

    More than likely the repetition is due to problems being experienced at the congregation level. It would appear pornography has invaded the spiritual paradise. I thought only Babylon the Great experienced these problems 😉 Seriously though, it is a big problem and many are addicted. Reminders probably are not a bad thing given the magnitude of the problem, right?



    • DanielB says:

      Good comments.
      Dennis you say, “Seriously though, it is a big problem and many are addicted. Reminders probably are not a bad thing given the magnitude of the problem, right?”

      You are so right! There is a magnitude to this problem. In my searching around for some sites on the NET to find former witnesses to associate with, I was amazed at all of the deflecting toward a truly depraved lifestyle. I have expected things to go that way though, just not this soon.

      I was able to spend some time with one of my children after having given up association with the ORG, and been given the axe. This was a 15 year old who agreed with me then on this point you are all making here. It was recognized that others her age “in the world” were not so deathly afraid of falling into immorality, since they did not have such inordinant pressure “against them” to deal with. That was how things come to feel, depending on how the direction comes across.

      I had 10 children born “into the truth”, to say it simply. I know that I had been a good father in many ways, however I feel I could have helped them more in facing “the desires incidental to youth”. Also, parents ought to realize, and partly since we were all so young once ourselves, that the old concept of puberty beginning in the early teen years somewhere is is misconception where sexual desire is concerned. It is now becoming common knowledge among adults, who don’t seem to remember their younger years very well, that sexual tendencies begin very early in life.

      And this is why parents need to communicate with them early, with age and all things considered. Know your child. Know how to speak with him or her.

      Sorry if it seems like you have another special 3-study article Watchtower here to read through, but maybe it makes a little common sense.

      Love in Christ,


  2. JJ says:

    Point taken Dennis- it is a bad problem. It just reminds me of the old public talk outline “A Godly View of Sex and Marriage”. It still is given occasionally and can be a good talk if truncated to 30 minutes properly. But the outline specifically mentions oral sex, anal sex, and masturbation. Do we need those things mentioned from time to time? Possibly. But on a Sunday morning public talk?


    • Dennis says:

      “But the outline specifically mentions oral sex, anal sex, and masturbation. Do we need those things mentioned from time to time? Possibly. But on a Sunday morning public talk?”

      Ouch! There is a place and time for everything. I agree, things do get taken to far. I think these things should be mentioned briefly, if at all in a public talk.



      • belongingtojah says:

        Do you think that the Scriptural saying at Eph 5:3 would have any bearing on this subject? It says “Let fornication and uncleaness of every sort or greediness not even be mentioned amoung you, just as it befits holy people.”


        • DanielB says:

          Fornication is translated from pornea, which specifically means prostitution. I have posted a link to a study on this. If the churches would set these things straight, they would explain that oral, anal, and masterbation have never been prohibited in scripture. And if they would do this in the spirit of Ephesians 5:3, then most of the “dirty subject” would be clean.


          • greybeard says:

            Many things are not mentioned in scripture such as child molestation. I do believe most religions go beyond what is written when it comes to many subjects. Love, I believe, is the determining factor when a practice is in question. To go against your christian conscience or your mates conscience is wrong. To harm another in any way is wrong. To impose our conscience on another is wrong.


          • DanielB says:

            Actually Lev. 19:29 and Joel 3:3 are against child molestation.


          • greybeard says:

            I think you know what I meant Daniel. The entire Bible is against child molestation. I am saying it doesn’t specify every specific act regarding sexual misconduct.


          • DanielB says:

            I think you know what I meant Daniel.
            Well no sir, greybeard. I didn’t know. Sorry.


          • greybeard says:

            No need to apologize brother, “I am saying it doesn’t specify every specific act regarding sexual misconduct.” I also said, “Love, I believe, is the determining factor when a practice is in question. To go against your christian conscience or your mates conscience is wrong.” I am sorry if I was unclear.


          • DanielB says:

            OK my friend. Good enough.


  3. greybeard says:

    This reminds me of the last Bible Student convention I went to in San Luis Obispo. Not one time did I here the words, “pornography, oral sex, masturbation” or any other words such as these. It was a delight to be among people who were mature enough not to have to dwell on such negative habits. I agree with JJ. It does seam like the Watchtower goes to far is such areas. Maybe people who need a leagalistic form of religion need such repetition. Thats my 2 cents


  4. Difficult Places Common to Scripture says:

    The Governing Body has to shed the Fred Franz passion for talking about sex, lol.


  5. Anonymous says:

    once wile at the kingdom hall there was a talk just like your mensioning and buggery came in to it, well iv got lots of children and my young lad whos far to young to be knowing any of these words asked me what it ment, im so discusted in how these things are delt with i mean u dont talk about sex or porn or what ever in a room full of young childen its just not right, it make me feel uncomfortable cos i just know they gona ask and also it makes me uncomfortable anyways,its all wrong and should not be talked about at all at the kingdomhall, maybe a booklet for adults thats it.


  6. serein says:

    i wrote the coment above duno why i came up anon


  7. Jolly Roger says:

    I never noticed this post before. Hmmm.

    “How many small children are going to ask their parents after the Watchtower study (or during it!) “Mommy, whats porn-ogg-rah-fee?” ”

    Actually, if a child asks that question, good. #1, it means they are listening and curious about what they are hearing. #2, it would, hopefully, force the parents to explain it. As for the parents preferring to “pick the time and place”, well, what one plans and what actually happens are usually different.

    You are correct in your assessment that the definition of porn is pretty much up to the beholder; however, one point that I would definitely drill into the child’s head is that pornography is, at it’s most basic, glorifies the avid display of cruelty and exploitation of a human being. Porn usually is about sex, but I really don’t believe that true pornographic scenes must necessitate naked bodies. Tell me that the blase attitude our Prime Time Network’s programming displays about death as it goes through it’s (average) 80 killings a week is not at least as obscene as any porno film.

    The WTS is probably mentioning it more and more because it is becoming more and more pervasive in our society; and, even worse, more accepted by our society.

    A case in point: in the late 90’s The Today Show was running a week about the new fangled thing called “The Internet” and how it was going to revolutionize communications and news and information and blah, bu-blah. One morning they were interviewing an “expert” on the Internet (a female, BTW) and were discussing the proliferation of porn sites and, gee, wasn’t this going to be a danger to children? The “expert” pooh-poohed the idea with the following reasoning, “Oh no. You see, these porn sites are there to make money, and before they let you on, you have to pay. And, the only way to pay is if you have a credit card, which means that you will be an adult, and therefore kids will not be allowed on the sites because kids can’t get credit cards.”

    Oh, really? ran a headline about a month ago: “Federal Bureaucrat Get’s Caught Using Government Issue Credit Card to buy porn. In other news, somebody is still paying for porn on the Internet.” Yes, it has become so common today, it can be used as a joke.

    Unfortunately, our children have to learn about this and learn it quickly. I run across teacher(s) molesting a student(s) stories in the news at a rate of about 3 a week now, and if a child is defenseless because he’s never been told about it, or his peers at school don’t seem to think it is wrong, the child is a sitting duck. The KH is the perfect place to bring up the subject because it is a social atmosphere, and small society, but a society, and the child has got to believe that his society believes that porn is an aberration, a sin, something not acceptable, no matter how “safe” and “natural” the world claims it to be.


  8. serein says:

    yer but when uv got children under 6 asking u what it means im afraid its not on im not telling my small childrfen about sex and im not telling them about buggery, just cos its brought up at hall and they herd it, if they here it at school then yer ur right they gona here it some were but i still dont want them listening to it anywere not at that age and i cant controll little kids mouths at school,i dont want my toddlers asking me what porn is,i hate this world its horrible,i didnt even no what sex was till i was around 14 yer i herd at school but not befor that and im glad,but i think it should be left for the parents to talk about it with there kids when they are at a proper age not be talking about it at kingdomhalls were theres all ages there.


    • Jolly Roger says:

      I understand what you are saying. I agree with you that explaining human reproduction, sex, marriage, etc. etc. to a six year-old is not going to accomplish very much. Here is what the six year-old will hear as you try to explain, “Blah blah blah blah mommy, blah blah blah blah daddy, blah blah blah baby. Blah blah blah blah belly-button blah blah blah blah…” Face it, most 6 year-olds that I know of stand about a 50-50 chance of getting their shoes on the right feet. (come to think of it, that’s about the same success rate as most of the adults that I know, hmmm, well, that’s not important)

      Again, porn is not about sex or the sex act, it is about the deliberate glorification of purposefully hurting another human being.


  9. serein says:

    its not its about all kinds of stuff im against anyone but me talking to my kids about anything like that whats so ever,and its up to me when were and how i want them to hear it what age the lot and i dont want to be walking in to the kingdom hall and have it brought up infront of my kids.they should not be talking about it at all unless the kids are taken into another room to hear somthing else,so you telling me its ok for them to talk about buggery in the hall were theres young children listening and wanting to know what it is,ow son it means when a man putsd his bits up sum ones butt no thanks i sound bad there but how would u explain it to them if they asked,no its wrong to talk about anything to do with sex in the hall and should be left to parents to talk about it with kids and also if they wana talk about not going on net or what ever to look at it i duno what ever they should put it in a booklet only for the adfults to read and get the message thats it then if they wana bring it up in hall kids go in diff room thats it,not that i go anymore so it dont matter to me now,perhaps its just me im so embaressd with it all.owel enough said on it, my point is just let the parents tell there kids stuff dont bring stuff up in kingdomhaslls infront of young children.and im afraid young children as i have alot of kids do pick up on this stuff said and do want to know and some like my 11 yearold get embaresed also feel uconfortable with it.


  10. greybeard says:

    I had two boys and I raised them as JW’s like I was raised by my parents. I took them to the KH regularly every meeting if possible till they left home. Never had either one of them asked me, “daddy, whats porn-ogg-rah-fee?” Both of my boys were very intelligent and both were straight A, 4.0 grade average students. I do agree with JJ about the GB/JW-org’s practice of repeating these warnings way to much in the hall. Is it going to hurt our children? I honestly don’t think so. Mine were not hurt at all. I taught my children at a young age right and wrong. I told them about sex at a young age before they could hear it from school. If you want to protect your children from all of this then along with avoiding the Hall, home school them, get rid of your TV. Don’t let them have “worldly friends” and keep them with you at all times. Don’t let them out of your sight.

    I myself avoid the hall but not because words are going to hurt me. I am just sick of the lies I’ve been told all my life. Just yesterday my father told me how close we are to the end. It’s the same old story, the end is right around the corner. I told him, “dad, I believe, more than likely, I am going to die of old age in this system.” Jesus said there will be those who say the end is near, do not follow them. Nobody knows when it is going to come. The JW’s predicted it many times wrongly and never once have they apologized.

    Children are like a spring in your hand. If you keep holding it down your hand will get week and it will spring out of your hand. If you let it loose slowly it will stay in your hand. Let kids live, run and fall, make mistakes, just be there to heal them. We learn and grow from making mistakes. Love never fails.

    Thats only my opinion for what it’s worth,

    Your brother,


  11. serein says:

    thanks gb it has helped me talking about it to get it all in to perspective ur right,its just me whos embarased and i need to sort it out im a bit of a loner and i try to protect my kids from people and sex and other stuff but on the otherhand i dont stop them from doing other things like i let one of my sons do basketball hes ina team, but they dont hang around on streets they dont go out unless they go out with me and they most of the time just spend time together as freinds not havimg freinds in the world,one of my kids is home schooled and my 10 yearold is next when he finishes in july from school here in uk they go on to high school at 11 and im not leting them go,i feel thoe that im depriving them in sum way but the school is real bad and i cant get them in the next school nearest,i do protect them alot but also i dont wrap them up in coton wool,i have told the older ones when they got to the right age about sex and i also let my son have education on it when he was 10 but when he got home he said the dvd the teaches showed was very rude and i was real mad,not all children are the same,i see children my sons age 11 smoking kissing boys and acting like grown ups dressing in the wrong way everything,my sons arnt like that becouse iv protected them, adn its a sorry story but they are but a few were i live,


  12. serein says:

    its not just the kingdom hasll realy is it that is bothering me it was the fact that i dint want my kids hearing it or me, and it does need to be talked about, no matter how many kids iv had im still trying to get it right even thoe 3 of them have left home,


  13. DanielB says:

    There is a very real “preacher’s daughter” problem in our world. What happens is when the child hears the subject pounded on for years, there is a tendency later on to go after the intrigue. Then they have parents or leaders in their church to blame as the scapegoat. I know one of these who takes the stand that when she is mistakingly “accused”, (which may in fact be only a suggested accusation), then she will spitefully do twice as much of the wrong.

    Also, there has to be a balanced and loving approach to this subject with our children. One would need to consider that if a person looks at someone of the opposite sex with sexual lust, are one of you married? …which would be adultery performed in the heart. Even mentally undressing another becomes such. It bouls down to maintaining spiritual association with Jehovah, and not giving Him grief; fearing to displease Him. We can all decide on this, but we do need to help our children to make good choices.



  14. Reader says:

    As Jesus said Matthew 12 v 34, whats in their hearts.

    The Christian Command is love and applies also to marriage, love should control what way mates behave with each other.

    If Jehovah has not commanded or denied a thing, no teacher should rise and add things. Such implies senility in God, I think in two thousand years he will have got round all commands he wished to make. What he chose to omit will have been deliberatelly omited.

    We should not seek to prove ourselves more righteous by adding things God absentmindedly forgot.

    It is more an issue of the heart than sight.

    There is also a practical lie, sex is emotionally bonding to the smallest human social contract and tactile.

    Marital sex bonds all family relationships.


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