
Eric on Tuesday November 2nd, 2010

Dear Brother JJ.

So, what do we do now, in view of all this new understanding that Jehovah will judge His house first, do we flee? Is it wrong to NOT go? [My family member] refused to go to meetings after learning all this, however he was also very depressed and very angry inside.
I have gone here in this town, but the congregation is the coldest I have ever been in,, its hard to go to meetings, let alone stay. I really enjoyed the book study before they cut that up..Back home the congregation was warm and happy.. and sang with big voices
I dont even try to go to meetings now

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Eric on Monday November 1st, 2010

I received an email from a young brother that is trying his best to figure it all out. It is below, along with my response:


Thanks JJ

I’m just a kid. I need a lot of advice. I just don’t understand anymore how to please God. I do understand that Jesus is the way to Jehovah. There is no org. that will save us. A bit of background. I came to my own conclusion that the Jesus is not God, but the Son of God. Most Bible I use, have Jehovah in it. So I know his name, I know his Christ.

Where to go now? JW are the one that makes sense. But I can see certain thing that are not clicking with me. Like today’s study. Sept. 15, first article, par. 7. To me it felt like they are pushing out the Holy Spirit out. I can not pleased Jah, if first I don’t pleased men? How is it that Jehovah can not grant me understanding to His Word. Only through them?

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