listI’ve received so many great points to ponder lately from different ones and wanted to share some of the best ones. Here’s something a brother with many years of experience and stories to tell shared with me:


Points for Pondering For Jehovah’s Witnesses and those whose lives they’re touching. Consider what your use of these words shows:
“Knowledgeable” – An informed person who does not oppose your religion.
“Opinionated” – The same person, once he disagrees with some of your religious dogma.

“Loyal” – A person faithful to his ideals and not opposing your religion.
“Stubborn” – The same person, once he rejects some of your religious dogma.

“Honest criticism” – When a Witness quotes Scripture against the religious dogma of others.
“Self justification” – Any defense by others to your attacks.

“Independent thinker” 1. – A prospective convert, using Scripture to probe your views. (JW synonyms for ‘independent’ in this context: open-minded, principled, truth-seeking.)
“Independent thinker” 2. – The same person, converted, continuing to use Scripture to probe your views. (JW synonyms for ‘independent’ in this context now are: egotistical, opinionated, rebellious.)

“Humble student” 1. – A prospective convert who examines your religion, knowing it is critical of his own [religion]. (JW synonyms for ‘humble’ in this context: meek. sheeplike, truth-seeking.)
“Humble student” 2. – The same person, converted, now trained to reject anything critical of his religion. (JW synonyms for “humble” in this context still are: meek, sheeplike, truth seeking.)

“Apostate” – When a person quotes Watchtower writings or other opposing views that you have no pat answer for and is critical of your beliefs or organizaition. (This one I added! -JJ)
Compare, please: Proverbs 20:23, “Two sorts of [stone] weights are something detestable to Jehovah, and a cheating pair of scales is not good!”

Another outstanding devotional that was sent to me by lovely stepmom fairly leapt out at her (and me!) in its similarity to the way the Watchtower leadership operates on its members. The following is written by Pastor Chuck Swindoll who I have referenced here before. He has a ministry that spans many decades and is featured on radio, internet, and church presences, and he has touched many thousands of people’s lives. His website is and I recommend his sermons to anyone that wants to listen to them free of charge. So anyway, here is his thoughts on the “List Makers”:

    I can opt for giving you a list of dos and don’ts.

The list comes from my personal and/or traditional preferences. It becomes my responsibility to tell you what to do or not to do and why. I then set up the conditions by which you begin to earn God’s acceptance through me. You do what I tell you to do . . . you don’t do what I tell you not to do, and you’re “in.” You fail to keep the list, you’re “out.” This legalistic style of strong-arm teaching is one of the most prevalent methods employed in evangelical circles. Grace is strangled in such a context. To make matters worse, those in authority are so intimidating, their authority is unquestioned. Rare are those with sufficient strength to confront the list-makers.
Sure sounds like something we have been exposed to at the Kingdom Hall and in the pages of the Watchtower doesn’t it? It also explains why so few of us have the wherewithal to oppose and confront these “list makers”. He then goes on to say, in part:

If I choose not to risk, if I go the “safe” route and determine not to promote either salvation by grace or a lifestyle of grace, what are the alternatives? …I will share two more points with you:

    I can leave no room for any gray areas.

Everything is either black or white, right or wrong. And as a result, the leader maintains strict control over the followers. Fellowship is based on whether there is full agreement. Herein lies the tragedy. This self-righteous, rigid standard becomes more important than relationships with individuals. We first check out where people stand on the issues, and then we determine whether we will spend much time with them. The bottom line is this: We want to be right (as we see it, of course) more than we want to love our neighbors as ourselves. At that point our personal preferences eclipse any evidence of love. I am of the firm conviction that where grace exists, so must various areas of gray.
I can cultivate a judgmental attitude toward those who may not agree or cooperate with my plan. Grace killers are notorious for a judgmental attitude. It is perhaps the single most un-Christlike characteristic in evangelical circles today. A quick glance back through the time tunnel will prove beneficial. Jesus found Himself standing before the brain trust of legalism, the Pharisees. Listening to Him were also many who believed in Him. He had been presenting His message to the crowd; it was a message of hope, of forgiveness, of freedom.
“As He spoke these things, many came to believe in Him. So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, ‘If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free’ ” (John 8:30–32).
He spoke of the liberating power of the truth. Even though the official grace killers rejected His message, He assured them it could make them free. All who embrace grace become “free indeed.”
Free from what? Free from oneself. Free from guilt and shame. Free from the damnable impulses I couldn’t stop when I was in bondage to sin. Free from the tyranny of others’ opinions, expectations, demands. And free to what? Free to obey. Free to love. Free to forgive others as well as myself. Free to allow others to be who they are—different from me! Free to live beyond the limitations of human effort. Free to serve and glorify Christ. In no uncertain terms, Jesus Christ assured His own that His truth was able to liberate them from every needless restriction: “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). I love that. The possibilities are unlimited.

Refreshing points indeed Brother Swindoll! We thank God for these. We thank our Lord and Savior for men and women like them, our fellow worshippers in Christ that share what they have with us. As Paul said, he wanted to impart a spiritual gift to his listeners (Romans 1:11), and that’s what we can do at each and every opportunity if we look for ways and indeed pray for ways to share Christ.
A closing prayer for this day to all that want it:
Lord we want to seek your direction and apply it in our lives. We need your Holy Spirit to help us cope with the stress and disappointment of learning that much of what we were led to believe were the thoughts of men and not your thoughts. Forgive us for our part in supporting the Watchtower Corporations- may we now submit fully to your Son, our Lord and Savior Christ.

Guide us in our spiritual journey and in our life, and give us hope and blessings in the days ahead. In the precious name of Jesus, we say

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7 Comments on A Couple Great Points

  1. man oh man says:

    “Grace killers are notorious for a judgmental attitude”.

    Sums up a good portion of the witnesses in most congregations!


  2. Disappointed says:

    As a well-known illustrator said:- “The more one judges, the less one loves”.


  3. Freethinkerinjah says:

    Hi JJ
    Thank you for another spiritual rich gem of I formation.
    The list makers, the grace killers, and the prayer you have include at the end of your article, is my prayer too.
    Thanks Jehovah for you that are rare in standing up to the great deception. Keep it coming, It’s so validating , and encouraging to know I am not the only one who has had to stand up to Pharisis.


  4. JJ says:

    Thanks Freethinkerinjah for those kind words- It’s so true!

    Praise to God for all the brothers and sisters in Christ he has given us to upbuild us!


  5. LonelySheep says:

    A great website to visit about this same topic is here:

    and this one

    Both sites cover a topic I never knew existed called ‘Covering’ which is where the leadership stands between you and Christ, often demanding submission.


    • JJ says:

      Lonely Sheep

      Thank you for these good articles and discovery of yet more good internet resources for those of us that have been released from bondage to men and are only slaves to the Lord!


      • dudley cook says:

        JJ: resources for those of us that have been released from bondage to men and are only slaves to the Lord!

        JJ, it’s me AGAIN, about your failure to associate me with
        the thoughts I sent that you used at the start of this topic. I see that others are identified with their thoughts…why not me?? [ I don’t intend to ‘bother you’ again about this… ]
        I didn’t ‘publish’ my findings any where so far, so it’s important to me to have my name identified with what I stand for…instead of my remaining under the innuendo of someone who is a ‘threat to the sheep,’ which was attached to me in early 1981 by two Watchtower special ‘trouble shooters’ that were sent to reverse my exoneration by the appeal process I had followed after the original disfellowshipping in late 1980. [One of my original judges was an ex-Bethelite who apparently used his connections to set in motion a “kangaroo court” that chastised the appeal commitee and obtained the reversal.]
        I’m 91 yrs old now, JJ, and have been left alone, in spite of having 2 sons (~ JWs), since the death of my loyal wife in Oct. 1999. I’d like–at long last–to be known by what I’ve stood for these many years that are soon likely to end. Who knows, someone might pop-up who’d appreciate knowing the things I sent to you 😀 ? — dudley


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